Together! We learn things along the way
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Together! We learn things along the way

All things of this blog come from the very common questions from customers to Rosie Pottery! Therefore, we’d like to write this blog to share with customer how we start the business together. Hope It will useful to all

1. How do we know your actual quality of products?

2. How do we believe in you?

3. What makes you different from other company?

By answering 3 above questions, I’d like to let you know more about Rosie Pottery and products of us!

1. How do we know your actual quality of products?

Firstly, this is our actual procedure to work with the new customer.

  • To check the actual quality of Rosie Pottery’s planter, we make the samples, and then send them to customer for evaluation.
  • If the samples are approved by customer, then we start mass production based on sample.
  • In case, there are some points needed to develop more, we will notice and make sample again based on the comment of customer

II. How do we believe in you?

To be honest, this is the very difficult question! But we received this question very often.

However, if we deeply think, it is not easy to trick (tell lie with) the customer. Because, during the conversation with us you can evaluate who we are and how we understand the product and the manufacturing process.

In addition, during the production time, we usually update the progress for customer by some picture or videos.

If you are still have concerns, you can run the business with 1 or 3 pallets at the 1st time, we still willing to do.

Finally, we will not make you disappointed even at the 1st time business.

III. What makes you different from other companies?

3 factors which make us outstanding from others

- Good products: with our formulation for lightweight concrete planter and the production process are controlled strictly, we believe that we can bring the excellent products to customers.

- Good service: we always willing to support the customer not only with the products, cost,…. but also the information of production process which is sometimes useful for you or other information customer need, we can support if we know!

- Transperent: we always make clear the procedure for every single business (step-by-step), based on that we will discuss with customer. We never put the customer in the inactive situation.

In conclusion, we know that the first time is always difficult. Let’s think about the long-term business together!! Please feel free to contact us and don’t hesitate to have us many questions from you, we will clearly anwer one-by-one! Thank you for reading.

Rosie Pottery

Saigon, June 2020

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